+ 41 (0) 32 / 757 65 65 etude@montini.ch

Contact us

Your questions

Should you wish to make an appointment or obtain more information without any commitment, or just want to find out more about our firm or about the team, please feel free to send us your questions.

We will answer them within three working days.

Please indicate your name and address, as well as a telephone number where you can be reached during office hours. Without this information, we will not be able to answer your queries.

If you contact us by email, we will answer via email too. We cannot however accept responsibility should a third party gain access to your data.


7 + 13 =

Access map

Rue des Moulins 51, 2000 Neuchâtel

Access to our offices

From the station :

Walk down the avenue de la Gare and then go down the Rue des Bercles, turn left into the Rue des Moulins.
Our offices are on the second floor of No 51.

By car :

Park the car at the Seyon car park. Then walk to the Rue de l’Ecluse and turn left into the Rue des Moulins. Our offices are on the second floor of No 51.


Swiss federal authorities >> www.admin.ch

Authorities from Neuchâtel >> www.ne.ch

Federal office of justice >> www.ofj.admin.ch

International Commission of Civil Status >> www.ciec1.org

Order of lawyers from Neuchâtel >> www.oan.ch

Swiss federation of lawyers >> www.swisslawyers.com
University of Neuchâtel>> www.unine.ch

University of Fribourg >> http://www.unifr.ch

HEG, Neuchâtel >> http://www.he-arc.ch/gestion

Systematic collection of the legislation of Neuchâtel >> www.ne.ch/neat/site/jsp/rubrique/rubrique.jsp?Styl

Systematic collection of federal right >> www.admin.ch/ch/f/rs/rs.html

Calculate your route in a private vehicle >> //www.tcs.ch/main/fr/home.html

Calculate your route in a public transport >> www.sbb.ch/fr/index.htm