+ 41 (0) 32 / 757 65 65 etude@montini.ch


The Montini & Montini law firm has a team of efficient young employees.

Opening hours are every working day from 8.30 to 12 am and from 2 to 6 pm. Please call +41 (0) 32 757 65 65.

The firm has also a legal staff. The trainees work under the close supervision of Michel Montini, Marino Montini and Franck Flury.


Michel Montini

Michel Montini


Mr Michel Montini is a law graduate from the University of Neuchâtel (1991). He was admitted to the Bar in 1994.

He currently works at the private law departement of the Federal Office of Justice.

He is also secretary of the Swiss section of the International Commission on Civil Status.

Mr Michel Montini is a member of the Neuchâtel Bar Association and of the Swiss Bar Association.

Marino Montini

Marino Montini


Mr Marino Montini is a law graduate from the University of Neuchâtel (1994). He was admitted to the Bar in 1997.

Former private law assistant at the University of Neuchâtel, Mr Marino Montini has always practiced as an attorney. He worked for 17 years at the Séminaire du droit du bail (tenancy law Seminar) which publishes a yearly publication of the Revue du droit du bail and organizes a two-day conference for the practitioners (judges, ls, notaries, property managers, tenant representatives) every two years.

He is the scientific co-editor of the Commentaire pratique du bail à loyer (2nd edition, 2016).

Mr Marino Montini is a member of the Neuchâtel Bar Association and of the Swiss Bar Association.


Franck Flury

Franck Flury


Mr Franck Flury is a member of the Neuchâtel Bar Association.


Jenny Meyer

Jenny Meyer


Sophie Topbas

Sophie Topbas


Julien Piron

Julien Piron


Joséphine van Lotringen

Joséphine van Lotringen

Trainee (from April 2, 2024)